Four friends enjoying lunch at an outside table

Scandi Summer Dining Ideas

With the arrival of Spring our thoughts are turning to spending precious time with friends and family in the sunshine and fresh air. Outdoor feasting is very popular in Norway; be it BBQs in the garden or picnics on the mountainside. And we have plenty of stylish Scandinavian dinnerware, garden décor and picnic accessories here at NORSK for a memorable Summer feast.


BBQ season

Norwegians love a BBQ, especially when we go to our summer houses in the warmer months. But it's not the only outdoor feast of choice. We are also fond of a 'skalldyrsbord' (shellfish table) where you pick the crabs and peel the prawns as you socialise around the table. The shellfish is then put on slices of bread with butter and mayo and eaten like an open sandwich. This is especially popular in the South of Norway, where I am from.

Prawns and crabs are our favourites and often the crabs are caught overnight by whoever is hosting. The key to success is to go out in a rowing boat at midnight to catch them when they crawl up to eat the shells just below the surface of the water. You normally have one person rowing, one lighting the way with a torch and one picking them out with their hands.



Summerhouse picnics

I have fond memories of summers spent in our island summer house when I was a child. My Mum would pack a tin lunchbox (similar to these) with lots of delicious open sandwiches and we would sit with our toes dipped in the sea, eating our lunch. The grown-ups would always pack a thermos of hot black coffee, much like this one.

If you don’t have the sea on your doorstep and dining in the garden is more your style, then our NORSK ceramics and boards make the ideal dinner and serveware. This House Doctor garden dinner range is beautiful, while our House Doctor lanterns cast a magical glow after sundown.

Spruce up your outdoor space with these stylish concrete planters and outdoor seat cushions. And if the evenings have a chill in the air, our favourite cosy blankets will keep you snug.


Mountainside lunches

Throughout Spring and Summer, hiking in the mountains is also very popular and a delicious packed lunch is essential! There are hundreds of cabins throughout Norway in National Parks and other areas of natural beauty which you can hike between and stop to refuel. Some have wood, gas and kitchenware for you to prepare a meal. Our typical Norwegian lunch on the go is simple and nourishing; a few slices of granary bread with salad, boiled egg, cheese and ham.

This Summer, Simon and I are going to visit the breathtaking wild north of Norway. We are renting an old Volkswagen Camper Van to explore Manshausen Island before crossing the fjord to the Lofoten Islands – and I will be sure to pack my tin lunchbox!



Discover more NORSK inspiration on the blog here.